It has been a long time, a really long time since we have seen snow conditions like this heading into the March Break. Night time temperatures remain cold enough to allow the base to remain solid and although daytime highs have been warm they have had very little effect on the base. There is even close to 11cm in the forecast on Sunday.
All this means that we will have some excellent conditions for the Break and are making plans to continue towards the end of the month. A lot can happen when it comes to weather but our current plans are to be open through the 24th and a decision is planned for next week regarding the Easter weekend. As discussed in earlier Blogs that decision will have a lot to do with weather and visitation leading up to that weekend.
Thank you for all of the feedback regarding the Quad Chair situation. The responses have been most helpful and will be included in the decision making to come. Not too late to weigh in - . We are simple out of time for this season but there are many decisions to make moving forward and your feedback is appreciated. Please visit earlier Blogs for details.